What Lies Within?

Where to begin?

Back in March I began getting headaches, unusual for me as I’ve thankfully not been prone to them before. At around the same time I had some nosebleeds, again, not something I’ve experienced much in my life. The weirdest symptom was bruising that appeared seemingly overnight, on my back, abdomen and legs. The latter convinced me to see a GP who dutifully ran some blood tests which came back ok. Nose bleeds stopped, bruising disappeared but headaches continued.

At the beginning of August, I was getting ready for a family wedding which I’d looked forward to and didn’t want to miss. As well as the headache, I also had tooth-ache but, despite both I necked some painkillers and continued dressing up. Less than an hour before leaving I had a strange ‘turn’. I felt as though I was on a hamster wheel being thrown to the left. I lay on the settee and waited thinking I’d overdone the pain meds. Each time I tried getting up the same thing happened for about 15 minutes and I felt very sick. Gradually, I got myself upright, recovered composure and went to the wedding. Probably not the wisest move but I was determined and managed to stay the distance without keeling over.

This episode did however convince me to get something done about it. First thing Monday I went to the dentist who, extracted the sore tooth despite assuring me it could be saved. I’d had enough of pain. Next stop the doctors where I was told I’d have to get a CT scan of my brain. This seemed a bit OTT and I protested saying it was probably my age, that M word is looming. The GP insisted on the scan, using the tried and tested, ‘owing to your history’, reason. The C word never goes far away.

The following week I had the scan and the day after I received a phone call from my GP, the results were back already. To my amazement he said, ‘You have a small lump in the left frontal lobe of your brain’. At the time I was looking after Rudy, my 14 month old Grandson so more than a little distracted. I listened while the doctor explained the scan report a little but I wasn’t taking it in. He asked if I was ok, I said, ‘I have to be’.

A lot has happened since but I’ll continue another day. As with my kidney cancer blog, I find it difficult to tell people what’s going on while dealing with the reality. It’s somehow easier to relay this story in retrospect, that way I know what comes next before anyone else.

Who knew when I designed the Coverstory Hospital Gown I’d get chance to model it for real? Not the silver lining I’d wished for though.

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